Chiropractic Resource Page
Helping residents of Litchfield Park, Goodyear, Avondale and the Phoenix ~ West Valley Area find relief.

Life changing Care  

K~CANN:  Kukurin Chiropractic Acupuncture & Nutrition Network
Providing Life Changing Care to the Palm Valley Area of Litchfield Park,
Goodyear, Avondale and the West Valley

12409 West Indian School Road Avondale Arizona 85392

Chiropractic.Finding pain relief.Other Treatments.

What if I'm not a rapid responder? As I have said repeatedly here on my webpage, most of our patients are classified as rapid responders. But of course as hard as we try to fix the foundation of all our patients as rapidly as possible, some patients just simply respond more quickly than others.  I wish I could tell you for sure why some people respond rapidly and others don't, but no one can say for sure.  What I have found and observed in my 20+ years of correcting spines is that the degree of spinal decay or permanent tissue damage in the spine before treatment begins probably is a major determining factor.  See as we have stated already, poor spinal structure equals  a poor core or foundation for the spine, this leads to excessive stress on the muscles, ligaments, discs and joints of the spinal column.   


This in turn, leads to spinal decay. Another way of thinking about spinal decay is that it produces permanent structural tissue damage in the spinal foundation.  If the spine has substantial permanent structural damage, it is much more difficult to correct it.  In some cases it may not be correctable at all! That is why we believe so strongly in a plan of spinal correction, not simply treating the symptoms. Once permanent tissue damage has occurred, complete spinal correction is not possible. Partial spinal correction can usually be obtained even with advanced spinal decay. We can predict quite accurately those patients who will be rapid responders, but we can't do it until after the fourth visit.

Take a look at the woman pictured in the top-right. She has the typical granny's hump associated with osteoporosis.   If you could look at an x-ray of her spine, you would see that her vertebrae are in an advanced state of decay. One or more of them have changed shape from square to wedge shaped.(click here for more info) This is what we mean when we talk about permanent tissue damage. It is impossible to correct her spine. The granny's hump is a good outward illustration of significant spinal decay in the spine. Posture is the window to spinal structure.




Why does it seem that chiropractors recommend endless visits to every patient?

Poor spinal alignment leads to premature spinal degeneration and decay. See the text to the left for more details.

When we look at someone’s posture and their spinal structure, we can predict areas of the spine that are likely to undergo accelerated spinal degeneration and decay. We can do this because we know that abnormal structure leads to stress and strain on the vertebrae, ligaments and the discs. This results in spinal decay like in the vertebrae illustrated above.

Scar formation in injured muscles >>>