Neuropathy Resource Page
Helping residents of Litchfield Park, Goodyear, Avondale and the Phoenix ~ West Valley Area
find relief from Peripheral Neuropathy.
Choose your doctor like your health depends on it®

Lichfield Park-Avondale-Goodyear Dcotrs treatnig neuropathy

Dr. George Kukurin

Chiropractic Neurologist

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Who is Dr. Kukurin?

K~CANN:  Kukurin Chiropractic Acupuncture & Nutrition Network
Providing Life Changing Care to the Palm Valley Area of Litchfield Park,
 Goodyear, Avondale and the West Valley

12409 West Indian School Road Avondale Arizona 85392

Phoenix Neuropathy. What is it?. What Works?. Our Program.

The simple fact is that there are very few treatments that truly help patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy.

Acupuncture has great potential for the treatment of neuropathy. Recent studies suggest that acupuncture may normalize  the electrical function of nerves in neuropathy patients; Other studies suggest that acupuncture may stimulate nerve re-growth.

I have  practiced many different forms of acupuncture since 1983.

There are many different “types” of acupuncture. If you never have tried acupuncture for your neuropathy or  have tried acupuncture for your neuropathy and it didn’t work for you, take a quick look at our acupuncture website. After reading it, we are sure you’ll agree that not all styles and systems of acupuncture are the identical. Acupuncture based on neurology is an ideal way to treat neuropathy. But there are also many more effective methods and combining them really produces outstanding relief for our neuropathy patients.

Acupuncture may be the oldest known treatment for neuropathy. The newest, without a doubt,  is low lever laser therapy. Laser also has been shown in recent studies, to make damaged nerves work normally, like they are supposed to. Other studies show laser promotes nerve re-growth.

Neuropathy is a serious medical condition. Our approach is to combine a number of proven neuropathy treatments into what we believe is the most comprehensive neuropathy diagnostic and  treatment program available. Don’t be fooled by red light therapy, it is not the same as true low level laser. Click here to see what true laser is capable of doing for neuropathy patients. These results are from actual patients in our office, utilizing the methods we developed over the last 20 years of treating neuropathy patients.

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