Neuropathy Resource Page
Helping residents of Litchfield Park, Goodyear, Avondale and the Phoenix ~ West Valley Area
find relief from Peripheral Neuropathy.
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Lichfield Park-Avondale-Goodyear Dcotrs treatnig neuropathy

Dr. George Kukurin

Chiropractic Neurologist

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Who is Dr. Kukurin?

K~CANN:  Kukurin Chiropractic Acupuncture & Nutrition Network
Providing Life Changing Care to the Palm Valley Area of Litchfield Park,
 Goodyear, Avondale and the West Valley

12409 West Indian School Road Avondale Arizona 85392

Phoenix Neuropathy. What is it?. What Works?. Our Program.

How can your feet hurt , burn and be numb all at the same time? What is neuropathy?

(<<< Back) There are a number of things that can happen when a nerve gets damaged from neuropathy, most of them are bad.  The nerve can lose its insulation, known as myelin. Refer to the top picture to the right. When this happens, the signals carried by the nerve may become scrambled. Like a short circuit in an electrical wire. Just like when a wire shorts circuits, when a nerve looses its myelin insulation, sparks can fly. This can mean pain, numbness, burning or many other unpleasant sensations. Another thing that happens to a nerve in neuropathy, is denervation. Illustrated in the the bottom picture to the right.  

The above illustrations are from our textbook on neuropathy. The top image illustrates demyelination, the bottom image shows denervation. You must know what type of neuropathy you have for a chance to obtain relief from painful neuropathy

Nerves are like electrical wires, they have an outer layer of insulation called myelin, and the inner-core called the axon, which is like the copper part of a wire.

In most patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy, both the insulating myelin and the core axon are damaged. This makes the normal transmission of nerve signals from the body-to-the-brain and back very difficult. For long term pain relief and normal nerve function, treatments designed to repair the myelin and stimulate the re-growth of the axon core are essential. This means combining a number of individual treatments like laser, acupuncture, ultrasound and galvanic stimulation and supplementing the body with nutrients that may promote the re-grow of nerves.   
