This information is provided free of charge from the caring doctors of Kukurin Chiropractic & Acupuncture Network. Our office is rated one of the top practices in the country by the Consumer's Research Council of America The results our patients obtain with painful conditions are so dramatic they have been published in the National Library of Medicine.

If you are in pain call us right away, our award winner doctor has over 20 years of experience in helping people just like you.


Kukurin Chiropractic  & Acupuncture Network

Kukurin Chiropractic  12409 W Indian School Rd C304 Avondale AZ 85392

Click on the office address for a printable map


Take a look at the picture to the right (top). It shows a man suffering from advanced Parkinson's Disease. Notice the extreme postural distortion which is caused by loss of motor control. In addition to loss of adequate postural control, movement disorders (as their name implies) demonstrate much more profound abnormalities, either in the suppression of unwanted movements (like tremors) or in the coordination of voluntary purposeful movements (like writing or taking a drink of water). In their advanced stages, movement disorders can completely incapacitate a person. Now take a look at the pictures below and to the right. These are actual patients from our office (they gave us permission to use their images). Both the elder gentlemen in the middle photo and the much younger gentleman in the bottom photo were stricken with Parkinsonism. They both required assistance walking and their disease had a profound impact on their ability to function normally. Their loss of postural control was progressing and their ability to function independently was significantly compromised (as seen on the before picture on the left). After treatment with our innovative methods, both demonstrated visible improvement in motor control (as seen in their  after pictures on the right). In the case of the gentlemen in the bottom picture, he was able to reduce his Parkinson’s medications by 2/3rds and eliminate the need for a walker.    


We have had similar results with dystonia, Tourette’s Syndrome, Essential and Familial tremors. Another one of our patients was scheduled to have a deep brain stimulator implanted into her brain to try to stop her tremors. She was able to cancel that surgery and stop all of her medications after completing our brain based neurological rehabilitation program. There is hope for movement disorders.


By using specific non-invasive methods to activate  those parts of the brain that are malfunctioning (or sluggish), we offer the potential to balance those parts of the nervous system that are the source of most movement disorders. The techniques we developed are safe, simple and are providing the first real hope for patients suffering from  movement disorders in years.  Part three of this article discusses some of the techniques we employ.  The scientific references that   support our techniques are available for download on  page 3 also.


As part of our program we offer simple urinalysis testing which can indicate which  specific neurotransmitters in the brain are out of balance in our patients suffering from movement disorders. Once the neurotransmitter profile has been determined for each individual patient, over-the-counter amino acid nutritional supplements can be instituted to help to restore balance to the nervous system.

Call  now to find out more about our movement disorder rehab program


Movement Disorders

And Their Treatment

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See how we do it here.

Movement Disorders Main.Dr Kukurin.