We have worked on hundreds of neuropathy patients throughout the years and believe me, its not easy finding the right combination of treatments and nutrients to give to patients. But now things have gotten a whole lot easier thanks to a company I became introduced to when I was presenting my techniques at a conference at Johns Hopkins Medical School. See when a nerve becomes injured like in neuropathy, chemical changes occur not only in that nerve, but throughout the nervous system ~ all the way to the brain. Until recently, there was no easy way to measure these chemicals known as  neurotransmitters. Because of this, recommending the appropriate nutrients for neuropathy patients was hit or miss.  See 100 patients could complain of similar symptoms of burning, tingling, numbness and pain, but no two have the exact same chemical imbalance in their brain and spinal cord. This is why several neuropathy patients can take the same treatments, yet some will respond while others won’t. If you tried various treatments for neuropathy that worked for others, but were disappointed when they failed to work for you; it is not because the treatments don’t work. It’s because they were not matched to your specific needs. Now we can measure the neurotransmitters in your nervous system indirectly through their metabolites eliminated in the urine. A simple urinalysis to determine your neurotransmitter abnormalities and what nutrients you need to balance them. It truly is a breakthrough for neuropathy patients. The company is called Neuroscience and they do some amazing testing. Take a quick look at what is possible with our comprehensive neuropathy treatment program.  

Bonus: I promised you a special link where you could download my comprehensive neuropathy book for a fraction of the cost on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles or other book sellers.  (about $60.00 on Amazon)  and through other book sellers. It contains over 300 scientific references for the most  effective neuropathy treatments. Get it here for under $25


This just might be the answer to your neuropathy that you have been searching for........

Neuroscience neurotransmitter testing, changing the way neuropathy is treated

If you’re serious about neuropathy relief, you need this book! It is the definitive text on alternative neuropathy treatments...

If you are like most of our patients, you are probably just about ready to give up on finding a solution to your neuropathy pain. But I want you to forget everything you have heard, read or have been told about neuropathy being incurable. What would you say if we offered to help you find out exactly what nutrients you need to stimulate nerve repair and healing and teach you what combinations of treatment have the best track record for regenerating nerves?  Our comprehensive neuropathy treatment program has done just that for hundreds of patients just like you.    Here’s how it works.


The Life Changing Neuropathy Program: In a Nutshell


If you live near either our Phoenix location or our Pittsburgh location see details of our in-house neuropathy program.  This section is for people who need help finding a solution to their neuropathy pain who can’t travel to our offices.   The Remote Neuropathy Program will get you started on life changing neuropathy care. There is no substitute for knowledge and experience when it comes to treating peripheral neuropathy.  So it all starts with an exhaustive records review. Download the HIPAA compliant medical records release form, sign it and have your medical records sent to me for extensive and in-depth evaluation. After I receive all of your records and thoroughly reviewed them, I’ll order a specific Neuroscience Test Kit for you based on your specific medical history.  This kit tests the breakdown products of 13 different neurotransmitters in the brain, spinal cord and nerves. It’s the single most important analysis that you can do to determine what your body needs to relieve your neuropathy symptoms.  If your records indicate that you need  an additional blood work up to further evaluate your condition, I’ll send a requisition form to you. Once I receive your lab results, I’ll give you recommendations for the treatment of your neuropathy based on the results of your neurotransmitter and or blood chemistry analysis.  I’ll also send you a detailed plan that you can take to a doctor in your area.  This will include recommendations for various forms of electrical stimulation of the nerves, ultrasound therapy, acupuncture, laser and other therapy recommendations.   Recommendations specific to your condition and custom designed to offer you best chance to arrest, reverse or even eliminate your neuropathy symptoms.   We leave no stone unturned in trying to get to the bottom of your neuropathy and its effective treatment. What does all this mean to you?  No more endless searching for the best answer for your neuropathy.  You have a tailored neuropathy treatment based on the chemistry of your body as determined by your laboratory analysis.  So you’ve got an important decision to make.  Do you continue to spend money on doctors and therapies based on guessing? Or do you take the steps necessary to find out what is the best treatment available for you and your neuropathy. We literally wrote the book on the treatment of neuropathy. We have over 20 years of experience in the treatment of neuropathy patients. We now have the testing that changes all the rules for neuropathy management. No other neuropathy treatment program comes close. You owe it to yourself to give this innovative neuropathy treatment approach a try.  And best of all, it’s not as expensive as you think.  


1. Comprehensive Record Review by Dr Kukurin, author of the book Hope and Help for People Suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy


Regularly $250    


2. Comprehensive Neurotransmitters Analysis Test Kit to determine your exact needs for your neuropathy.


Regularly $395


3. Comprehensive nutritional recommendations and specific neuropathy  treatment plan including nutrients and combinations of laser, electrical stimulation, ultrasound and acupuncture prescription .


Regularly $195


4. Coupon  for $100 towards your initial nutrient recommendations for your neuropathy treatment


Regularly $100


Patients regularly spend $940.00 for this complete neuropathy  evaluation and treatment program.   


Order your Remote Neuropathy evaluation and treatment program for only $735.00,  a savings of over $200.00


If you order this consultation online I’ll send you a link where you can download my book Hope and Help for People Suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy  absolutely free. It contains over 330 scientific references on the successful treatment of neuropathy. That’s a $60.00 value off the book store price.


It is my way of saying “thank you”.  


So call right now and get started on a life changing comprehensive neuropathy treatment program. You’ll be glad that you did.  You have my word on it!






George W Kukurin DC DACAN

Call now at 623.972-8400