The Kukurin Coat of Arms: A Posse Ad Esse

(From potential to reality)

The blue background symbolizes the vastness of the knowledge in the  universe, the gold crown  represents the value we place on knowledge and wisdom,  the Gold Griffin is the guardian against our complacency, the battle axe represents our willingness to fight for defeat of disease, the rose  represents our love for good health for ourselves and others.

Kukurin Chiropractic & Acupuncture Network ~ South Side

2415 Sarah Street PGH PA 15203
If you are in pain call us right away, our award winner doctor has over 20 years of experience in helping people just like you.


Click on the office address for a printable map


(<<<Continued from page one) For several thousand years the practice of acupuncture has been shrouded in mystery, superstition and folklore. The application of acupuncture to treat specific conditions has been passed down from generation-to-generation. Until recently, the physician practicing acupuncture had to rely on tradition, faith and experience when formulating an acupuncture prescription for his patient. But with the advent of modern technology today's physician practicing acupuncture can formulate a prescription for his patient based on the latest scientific technology available. And believe me when I tell you, that it does make a difference when you received acupuncture based on science versus acupuncture based on faith.

The top picture to the right shows an acupuncture needle inserted into my forearm. Why would I choose to insert a needle at that location? If I practiced traditional acupuncture, I might insert a needle there because a textbook written 2000 years ago tells me to. Now look at the picture directly to the right. It is of a magnetic resonance neurogram; one of the most sophisticated imaging techniques available. The image shows the lingual nerve in the face (*). The modern practice of neurologically based acupuncture, would help guide me to choose an acupuncture point based on neuroanatomy rather than tradition or folklore. The bottom picture is a functional MRI of the brain. The f~MRI is another example of 21st century technology that is being used to make acupuncture more scientific and more effective. It shows how proper selection of acupuncture points can literally "light-up-the-brain". We now know that acupuncture works via the nervous system, so you have a choice to make: Do you want acupuncture based on folklore or based on the most modern concepts in neuroscience?
We believe that choice is a simple one! Call us today to learn more.  412.381.4453


Top picture, acupuncture needle inserted into an acupuncture point on the arm. Middle picture neurogram of the nerves. Bottom picture, fMRI; the  brain’s response to acupuncture.  

Acupuncture points have decreased electrical resistance which can be measured with an electronic meter. The picture to the right shows us measuring the electrical activity of an acupuncture point on one of our patients prior to treatment.

Combining modern scientific advances with the ancient art and philosophy has  produced some amazing results for our patients. Call us and find out what they might offer you, you’ll be glad that you did


Learn about how combining acupuncture with laser is producing remarkable results for our patients.  Click here>>>.

Unraveling the Mysteries of Acupuncture, Part II

Acupuncture Resource Pages.Dr. Langer.Important Downloads.